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Swing Set Activities In The Winter
Swing Set Activities In The Winter


Do your kids have a bunch of energy to burn but your house is just not big enough for all that energy to leave? Bundle up and expand that energy in the backyard! There may be snow on the ground or a bit chilly but let’s face it, kids are immune to the cold. Let’s go over some swing set activities in the winter!


Winter Time Protocol

First thing first, your kids will get hot and that energy will turn to heat but just because of they get hot doesn’t mean they don’t need to be wrapped up. Bundle your kids up with warm jackets, pants, scarfs and any other warm clothes you may have in the house. Protect them from getting a cold and feel terrible the next day! Now let’s go over some fun games and activities.


Snowball Fight

Now of course this will require a little snow on the ground to play so this activity is not for every day. The game that families have played for generations, a favorite! But how does this fit for a swing set?

If your swing set has two towers this activity works much like capture the flag. Load up on snow balls, pile them high, on both sides of the set. Gather two teams, a team on one side and a team on the other side. Now the fun part, snow ball fight! Throw and toss till the snowballs are all gone.

Another great way to play is at the base of the swing set. Run around and dodge the obstacles as your kids launch the snowballs. Dodge the slides, ladders, rock wall, and if you have them, the walls at the bottom of your tower! Everything you have outside in your backyard will enhance the fun your kids can have!


Swing & Slide

Yes swing and slide, but not just as simple as you might think. Build snow forts at the bottom of the slide and watch your kids slide down to break the snow and watch it fly into different directions!

Same for the swings, build up a large pile of snow and have your kids jump into the powdery pile. This provides a soft layer to jump into and a fun time for your kids!

Heated Playhouse

Do you have an enclosed area on your swing set? Placing a small heater in your playhouse will open up a bunch of swing set activities in the winter!

A small heater is all it takes to warm this space up, opening the door for a year around area for your kids to hangout and call a space their own. Tea parties are for the summer time, so put a spin on it and make it a hot chocolate party. Sipping on a warm cup of joe in a bean bag chair, your kids will love it!

Perhaps explore putting a small TV in this space and and your kids will escape for hours! All boys love playing xbox or playstation so bring one from in the house outside. Play football or baseball with their friends in the warm enviornment of the backyard playhouse!


These are just a few swing set activities in the winter time, why stop here? Explore other fun games and tricks to spruce up the winter and get your kids outdoors! If your swing set will be sitting all winter, check out our other blog post on how to care for your swing set here!

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