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Do You Need A Swing Set For Toddlers?
Swing Set For Toddler's


Many people do not know the exact age to get their children their first swing set. We think you should start at a young age, which is why we are going to lay out the great benefits a swing set for toddlers has! From being outdoors instead of inside, benefits to their body and muscles, and more!


Why Being Outdoors Is Crucial

Keeping your toddler outside is very beneficial, from breathing fresh air to being introduced to new things by seeing or touching them! There are many studies that show the importance of it, but we wanted to highlight one that we love! A recent study from Tovah P. Klein describes that toddlers are sensory learners and do-ers. Describing that when they are outside they are touching, seeing, tasting, and more. Just taking all the outdoors in and learning what everything is! Feeling their bodies move in different ways by running, skipping, climbing, and crawling, developing their bodies and muscles.

She goes on to describe the in-house relationship and attitude changes that may occur, such as changes in their mood. She explains that being outside gives your children the sense of freedom to go off on their own in the backyard and have a sense of freedom! Getting their attitude under control as getting them outside gives them the opportunity to scream, yell, throw things, and be all out messy, eliminating the problems indoors! Highlighting that having a swing set for toddlers is a great way to achieve these benefits for you and your children!


Developing Their Minds and Body

We all know that children, especially toddlers, have an extreme amount of energy! They should have a place to spend that energy but in a beneficial way. Having a backyard swing set that allows them to climb, hang, swing, and more develops their muscles! Simple elements such as a rock wall, you think will be fun and exciting, but in reality, it is helping develop their muscles. When they have to grab the rocks, they are increasing and test their grip strength, as they climb up and down they are increasing their leg strength and increasing their motor skills with hand-eye contact placing their hands and feet right at the exact spot to achieve climbing up and down!

For younger toddlers, having a ramp for them to walk up and down is even beneficial! Having to adjust their balance and weight, increasing their motor skills and muscles to walk up and down, but don’t forget to add a railing instead of a rope for the utmost safety for your children!


When searching for a swing set for toddlers, remember that they can grow into the swing set as well! A swing set is an investment, so why should they only be used for 1-2 years? Include elements that will grow with them, such as big slides, swings, rock walls, rope walls, monkey bars, and more! Creating the best backyard swing set can be as easy as pie, create your own with our 3d design center!
